Wednesday, March 8, 2017


The Thinning Movie Trailer
I enjoyed watching The Thinning movie trailer. I have seen the movie already but before I did, I looked up the trailer to see what was it about. Everyone was talking about how intense and suspenseful the trailer made the movie seem, and once I watched the actual movie, it definitely lived up to the hype. The main thing I liked about the trailer is it was simple and didn’t give away too much information about the plot. The trailer introduced the general idea of the movie without giving away all the good parts or give hints to how it might end. It showed us just enough scenes for the audience to gather that is was basically about a school that gives annual tests to prove you are smart. If you pass, you make it to the next year. If you don’t pass, you find out their fate by watching the movie. The storyline instantly grabs your attention because no one can imagine being under that type of pressure to pass a test. The main characters also draws you in because most kids/teenagers would recognize them. The movie stars some well-known actors from the Disney Channel. This movie trailer was effective in getting my attention and led me to actually want to watch the movie.


  1. I have never heard of this movie but it looks good.

  2. This movie looks intense and very stressful I probably will watch it when I get home.

    1. it is very intense. If you watch it let me know if you liked it or not.

  3. I've seen the commercial but never went to see it.
